One District One Product (ODOP) Initiative Under DICC for Nalbari District

  • Last Updated on: May 30, 2024
  • Launch Date : Not Available
  • Source : Nalbari



One District One Product (ODOP) Initiative for Nalbari District

The One District One Product (ODOP) initiative, launched by the Government of India, aims to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth by identifying and developing a unique product in each district. For Nalbari district in Assam, the ODOP initiative has identified Rice and Rice-based Products as the primary focus. This selection is based on the district's significant rice production and the establishment of many micro and a few small rice processing units.


  1. Boost Local Economy: Enhance income levels and employment opportunities for local farmers and entrepreneurs.

  2. Promote Sustainable Practices: Encourage sustainable agricultural practices and value addition in rice production.

  3. Enhance Market Access: Improve market linkages for rice products locally, nationally, and internationally.

  4. Skill Development: Provide training and capacity-building programs to improve productivity and quality.

  5. Brand Building: Develop a strong brand for Nalbari's rice products to increase their market appeal.

Key Components

1.      Agricultural Development       

  • High-Yield Varieties: Introduction of high-yield and pest-resistant rice varieties to improve productivity.
  • Organic Farming: Promotion of organic farming practices to meet the growing demand for organic products.
  • Irrigation Facilities: Development and enhancement of irrigation infrastructure to ensure a reliable water supply.

2.      Processing and Value Addition

  • Milling Facilities: Establishment and upgrading of modern rice milling units to enhance the quality of processed rice.

  • By-Product Utilization: Development of value-added products such as rice bran oil, rice flour, and Puffed rice, Flaked rice,  Ladu , Pitha etc.

  • Packaging: Improvement in packaging to extend shelf life and appeal of the products.

3.      Market Development

  • Domestic Market: Strengthening local markets through fairs, exhibitions, and local retail networks.

  • Export Promotion: Facilitation of export opportunities by meeting international standards and certifications.

  • E-Commerce: Leveraging digital platforms to sell products directly to consumers across the globe.

4.      Capacity Building

  • Training Programs: Organizing training sessions for farmers on best agricultural practices and modern techniques.

  • Skill Development Workshops: Workshops for local entrepreneurs on business management, marketing, and quality control.

5.      Infrastructure Development

  • Storage Facilities: Building warehouses units to prevent post-harvest losses.

  • Transportation: Improving road and transport connectivity to reduce logistics costs and improve market access.

Major Investments and Support

The Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project (APART) has been a significant contributor to the rice processing infrastructure in Nalbari. APART has sanctioned a Parboiled Rice Processing plant worth ₹17.79 crore in the district. This facility aims to enhance processing capacity, improve product quality, and ensure better returns for farmers and processors.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Collaboration with Stakeholders: Engage with local government bodies, agricultural universities, research institutions like KVK , and private sector players.

  2. Funding and Financial Support: Facilitate access to credit and subsidies for farmers and entrepreneurs through banks and financial institutions.

  3. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a robust monitoring framework to track progress and make necessary adjustments to the initiative.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Economic Growth: Increased income levels for farmers and entrepreneurs, leading to overall economic development in Nalbari.

  2. Employment Generation: Creation of new jobs in farming, processing, packaging, and marketing sectors.

  3. Sustainable Practices: Adoption of environmentally friendly farming and processing methods.

  4. Enhanced Product Quality: Improved quality and marketability of rice and rice products from Nalbari.

  5. Brand Recognition: Establishment of Nalbari as a recognized brand for high-quality rice products.

Other Details regarding ODOP in Nalbari District:


The ODOP initiative for Nalbari district, focusing on rice and rice-based products, is set to transform the local economy by harnessing the district's agricultural potential and traditional knowledge. With strategic interventions in production, processing, marketing, and capacity building, and substantial support from initiatives like APART, Nalbari's rice products can achieve greater market presence and economic significance. This holistic approach promises not only to uplift the livelihoods of the local population but also to contribute to the broader goals of sustainable and inclusive growth.